Expressing vulnerability online

With the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, the number of youth online since 2020 has exceeded 1.5 billion (Source: United Nations). This considerable number has led to a deep revisit of mental well-being and the consequences of internet safety. Vulnerability expressed online by the youth is a magnet for predators and traffickers, who will identify youth they feel are isolated from their family and peers. 

Feeling validated, seen & heard

Feeling a sense of belonging is crucial for our overall well-being. Connecting with others not only validates our experiences but also helps us navigate life more healthily. Strong friendships and being surrounded by trustworthy people are essential for our survival and mental health. Research shows that youth with a supportive circle of friends are less likely to be targeted by bullying compared to those who are socially isolated or excluded.

Healthy friendships offer a nurturing environment for developing crucial social skills and self-esteem while providing essential emotional support. Conversely, young children and teens without trusted friends or a strong social circle often experience higher levels of depression, anxiety, and psychosomatic symptoms, along with increased aggression, hyperactivity, and inattention.

In the absence of emotional support, young people may seek solace online, making it crucial to emphasize internet safety. Ensuring that youth are equipped with the knowledge to stay safe online is of utmost importance for their well-being.

What does being unsafe look like?

The misuse of personal online information can lead to severe emotional effects, including distress, humiliation, isolation, shame, anxiety, low self-esteem, self-harm, addiction, suicidal ideation, and even suicide. Online predators exploit these vulnerabilities, preying on what makes individuals, especially youth, feel most exposed and powerless.

Feeling overwhelmed and unsafe can become a constant issue, as these negative emotions can invade your home through computers or cell phones at any time. Escaping from such pervasive threats can seem impossible, as dark emotions and fear take over.

In addition, the anonymity of online predators can intensify these fears. Victims may struggle to identify their tormentors, although some predators may choose to target people they know and may not hesitate to reveal their identities. Understanding and addressing these threats is crucial for maintaining online safety and mental well-being.

How being unsafe online can lead to human trafficking

Who do traffickers target online? Generally, someone young who is feeling vulnerable, alone or misunderstood.

Starting a conversation with someone you don’t know might seem easy, but social media has made it even simpler for traffickers to target vulnerable children and teens. These criminals often use coded messages and emojis to obscure their intentions. The problem is exacerbated by globalization, which provides traffickers with a wider reach to exploit at-risk youth.

Social media has significantly transformed the dynamics of human trafficking, primarily through its organizational structures. Many criminal groups use a hierarchical pattern where users are connected within a vertical network. This structure allows traffickers to coordinate and collaborate seamlessly across social media platforms.

Online communication can facilitate several stages of trafficking: recruitment, transfer, transport, and exploitation. Victims are often manipulated through blackmail, such as threats to share compromising images on social media, leading to their social exclusion and further isolation.

By understanding how social media is used in these criminal activities, we can better address and combat human trafficking.

Have the 'uncomfortable' conversation

When you get into that dark place which is quiet, it’s easy to stay in it. You get complacent and you find it more easy to play some games with your one friend instead of talking about it because you feel ashamed.

—Jackson, 16 (attempted suicide at age 14)

The more uncomfortable the conversation, the more important it is to have it. 

How many parents/adults have looked at changes in a teenager’s behavior and said something like, “it’s teenage moodiness” or “it’s hormones” or “it’s just a phase”? How many of you teens out there have been told, “it’s just these years. This depression, you’re going to get through it” or “you’re strong”? There is a communication gap here, don’t you think? Or actually, no communication at all. Lack of conversation about what is considered “uncomfortable” for teens and parents can lead to some young people falling through the cracks, self-harming or attempting suicide. 

What are some of the ways out?

TEENAGERS: Reach out to your parents or an adult or a close friend you trust. It is OK to let the walls down and allow people in your inner circle see what you are going through. You need to reach out and advocate for yourself to get the help you need.

PARENTS/ADULTS: Initiate a conversation, even if it is uncomfortable at first. Do not try to “fix” what’s going on but just listen. Explaining your emotions (“I feel angry about…” or “I was anxious about … today”) encourages children to express theirs. The earlier, the better. Trying to be perfect is not only impossible—we are human—but will alienate you from your children, who might feel they need to live up to expectations they simply are unable to. Add this to the pressures they feel from social media and the results can be toxic.


If you are in doubt, do not be ashamed to reach out to a trusted adult. You can always reach us at Youth Underground info@youth-underground.com and we will do our best to guide you to the right resources. 

Check this link for emergency numbers worldwide. 

Protect yourself. Educate yourself. Empower yourself.

You’ve got this and you are not alone!



► Take a short security checklist here to find out if you are keeping safe online.